lördag 10 juli 2010


Okay so I have managed to write two blogposts now.
And honestly.. What's the point in doing this?
I have nothing to share with the world anyway.

I am not a person who use bad language..
But I can say that life is being rather mean to me right now.

This year it was 12 years since Hide died. 12!
It's almost unreal.. That 2/5 he had been dead for 12 years..
He would've turned 46 this December.. It's very unreal.. And
brings me many happy and sad memories..
I miss you.

fredag 9 juli 2010


I decided that maybe.. I wanted a blog. I'm not sure yet.
Maybe I will try it out and see if it's something for me.

So... What do I say?

This is me and my wine.